IIPM Admission

Monday, November 26, 2007

The New Great Game Is Truly On


BackThe New Great Game Is Truly On then, we wrote in the Business & Economy that Indian policy-makers are great at announcing a slew of new projects while it is nations like China that walk away with all the honours at the end of the day. We also wrote that energy security will become an issue that will be even more important than global terrorism. For better or for worse, we added that India is simply not exploiting the massive reserves of coal and its equally huge hydro-electric potential to satisfy rapidly growing demand for energy.

Nothing much has changed over the last two years. China continues to steal a march over India and even other countries, when it comes to persuading emerging suppliers of oil and gas to favour the Dragon. The disaster in Iraq shows how the whole Bush gambit was about energy security. And despite endless debates and seminars and talks, India continues to muddle its way through. There is no doubt that oil prices are not going to come down to old levels of $40 a barrel. So India has no choice but to keep looking for the elusive energy security that could determine the future of economic growth.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Monday, November 19, 2007

The ‘Zee’ing thing?


WhenLaxmi Goel, Director, Zee News queried by B&E about what has brought the zeal back in Zee, Ashish Kaul, Executive VP, Essel Group, attributed it to the change in leadership and mindset. He said that earlier Mr. Chandra was directly looking into the day-to-day operations and it was not humanly possible for one man to look into so many things. With the coming in of Pradeep Guha as CEO and Chandra’s son Puneet Goenka, things have changed. “People dropped their offensive mindset and teams have started working with synergy. Moreover, a centralised marketing and communication approach is being followed. Everything is being reflected in the work,” he had said.

While the group restructured itself internally, on the outer side of it too, Zee went through a restructuring exercise and Zee Telefilms has been hived off into four separate entities. Zee Entertainment Enterprise Ltd. (ZEEL) has the entertainment channels under it. Zee News Ltd. (ZNL) is for the news and regional channels. Wire & Wireless India Ltd. (WWIL) owns the Siti Cable brand, which is the largest MSO in the country and caters to approximately 55 million homes. Dish TV India Ltd. is for its Direct to Home (DTH) service, Dish TV. The exercise was aimed at further unlocking shareholder value and has been widely applauded. Analysts believe that the business portfolio of Chandra was getting too huge for one single company; the restructuring will pave the way to a more focussed approach (every entity now has its own CEO) and also provide greater clarity to shareholders. Moreover, it will take care of the investments, as there are different guidelines, limits & rules for different businesses.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Rough patch ahead...


Ever Rough patch ahead...felt pity for the ones with paralysed lower limbs? “Of course!” is obviously what comes as a knee-jerk response from your end… Next on the imagination exercise, think of an automobile – old or new, two or three or fourwheeled – without tyres! Ever thought about it? “What was that?! How can there be one without wheels?!”, would be your fair response. And that would be a fair response. Very fair indeed, just like the tyre industry is fair in bragging about its singularly prodigious contribution to the double digit growth in the auto industry. So the next time you want to question the self-assured tyre manufacturers on why they don’t advertise much, repeat the imagination exercise and you’d question no more!

In a quest to unravel the real truth behind the wheels – an industry which churns out a cyclopean Rs.135 billion annually (1.2 million metric tonnes in production), we set-off on a most scorching hot summer afternoon to Apollo Tyres’ Gurgaon head-office. The most beautifully maintained garden was a refreshing sight and sans the ‘Apollo Tyres’ logo, we’d be befuddled judging the set-up to be anything else but a tyre company’s office! Now the question is - why did we choose Apollo Tyres of all in the industry?

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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